
Experiences That Have Our Undivided Attention

3 Reasons to Live in a Historic Apartment Building

Living in a historic apartment building can have a lot of perks. You don’t even need to be a history buff to truly appreciate all of the benefits. There’s a certain appeal about calling home a building that has survived through the years, one that was around when the...

Philadelphia Attractions Accessible via Philly Phlash

If you live in Philly, there’s a good chance you’ve seen that bright purple bus wending its way around town with a big “Phlash” logo splashed on its side. The Philadelphia Phlash bus, which zips around downtown, is one of the easiest ways to find places to visit in...

Living with Roommates after Living Alone

Many people enjoy the solitude of living on their own, but there may come a time when you need to start living with roommates. Whether it's due to finances (living with a roommate or two can be far more affordable), or you just become bored and lonely coming home to...

New Year’s Resolutions for Better Apartment Living

New Year's is right around the corner, which means it's time to decide what you're going to improve on in the coming year. New Year's resolutions can be very personal or cliché, it really depends on what you'd like to change about your life in the future. If you'd...

How to Meet Your Neighbors

It's safe to say that many of us long for the kinds of neighborly relationships that our parents and grandparents reminisce about. They felt safe and supported and knew that if they needed a hand, they could count on their neighbor. But in this digital age, when it's...

Indoor Garden Ideas for Your Apartment

Clean air never goes out of style, which is only one of the reasons plants make such wonderful companions. Taking care of a plant isn't quite as high-stakes as a pet. Cultivating an indoor garden in your apartment is a beautiful way to add style, improve your mood,...