Reasons to Rent an Apartment in Philadelphia vs Buying a Home
Dogs vs cats. Eagles vs Cowboys. A night on the town vs an evening at home. These are just some of the many rivalries may have to deal with every day. Yet, there’s one that most adults have to consider at one point in their lives: renting an apartment vs buying a...
What’s Special About the Shadyside Neighborhood in Pittsburgh
In its early days, Pittsburgh’s Shadyside neighborhood was known for its acres of woods and numerous farms. Now, Shadyside is a highly desirable, historic destination that’s attracting record numbers of millennials and professionals to the East End. But what makes...
3 Reasons You Don’t Need a Car to Live in Philadelphia
“Do you need a car in Philadelphia?” That’s a valid question if you’re not familiar with the city. If you’re interested in relocating to Philadelphia, you may want to know if you should sell your car - or invest in one. While Philly is a large city with numerous...
How To Maximize Your Apartment Bathroom Space
It doesn’t take long to use up every inch of space in your bathroom. The smallest room in any household is also the one that often requires the most products and accessories. Still, this doesn’t have to be the norm if you know how to use your apartment's bathroom...
How To Live More Sustainably In Your Apartment
Do you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle but don’t know where to start? If so, we’re happy to help! Below, you'll discover several great sustainability ideas for apartments that have a positive impact - and are easy to incorporate into your daily routine! ...
Benefits Of Apartments With Secure Package Rooms
Preventing deliveries from being damaged, misplaced or stolen is a major concern for many apartment dwellers. In many cases, their apartment buildings don’t offer adequate room to accommodate their package deliveries. Worse, many of these buildings are accessible to...
Reasons To Have Renter’s Insurance For Your Apartment
One of the reasons that many people prefer to rent instead of own is worry. Or rather, lack of worry, Since they do not own the property, they don’t have to worry about certain responsibilities such as everyday maintenance, repairs, and property taxes. Yet, one area...
Studio vs One-Bedroom Apartments: What You Need to Know About Choosing a Floor Plan
“Which apartment should I choose: a studio or a one-bedroom?” That’s a question that’s puzzled many individuals who are searching for a cozy yet comfortable apartment. If you’re one such apartment seeker currently contemplating which floor plan to select, we’re...
3 Ways to Prepare for Your Apartment Tour
You’ve been searching for a new apartment in Philadelphia for a few weeks. Now you’ve pared down your list to the top contenders. The next move is to take a tour of each property. Wait! You’re not ready to take a tour just yet. Before you contact the leasing agent to...
Is a Loft Apartment Floor Plan Right For You?
When you hear “loft apartment” you probably think “artist space”. That’s because lofts were traditionally associated with artists and musicians for years. While there was a time that these professions preferred loft as their combination living/work/rehearsal space,...