
Experiences That Have Our Undivided Attention

3 Favorite Neighborhood Dog Parks in Philadelphia

3 Favorite Neighborhood Dog Parks in Philadelphia Your pets are part of your family and just like you, they want to live in a spot where they can stay active and socialize. Luckily, there are a variety of dog parks in Philadelphia where your four-legged friend can...

Socially Distant Events to Enjoy in West Chester

Things are slowly starting to move back to some sort of new normal this summer. While we all still need to take precautions, the green phase is allowing for socially distant events in Chester County for you to enjoy. From dining out to gathering for performances,...

Socially Distant Events to Enjoy in Philadelphia

The City of Brotherly Love is finally starting to get back to some normal activities as the Green Phase hits Philadelphia. For the past few months, we've all been awaiting a time when we can start to enjoy things that used to be a part of everyday life. But what...

4 Tips for Apartment Move-In Day During COVID-19

Moving into a new apartment can be an exciting yet stressful time. Add in the current pandemic and it might be downright overwhelming. However, a little bit of preparation can save you lots of time and stress while moving during COVID-19. Move-In Day Checklist Here...

4 Ways to Find a New Apartment in the Time of COVID-19

If you're on the hunt for a new apartment right now, the process may look a little different than it did in the past. Because of the current pandemic, things like in-person apartment tours and meetings have been postponed, but if you need housing now, you can't wait...

How to Set Up a Functional Work-At-Home Space

Since none of us is sure exactly when things will go back to "normal" after the impact of the recent pandemic, those of us who are working from home should get settled into a routine. The first step in that routine is creating a functional, work-from-home space....

How to Balance Work & Life From Home

  Much of the workforce has had to transition from the office to home in recent weeks. When you're not used to working from home, the lines between designated work hours and personal time can get pretty blurred. If you haven't already, now's the time to create a...